Are you ready to be a disciple of Christ? If you answered “yes”, then do you know what discipleship will cost you? Your life! The call to discipleship is not an easy life, you will be rejected by many, including friends, family, co-workers and strangers. Are you ready for this? The call to discipleship will require you to detach yourself from this world and to live for Jesus Christ, are you ready for this? The call to discipleship will ask you to leave your family and follow Jesus Christ, “If any one comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26) are you ready for this? The cost of discipleship comes with a cost “Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me, cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:27) are you ready to carry your cross and suffer for the kingdom? Jesus’ disciple’s told him that they would follow him wherever he goes, but do they really know where Jesus wants them to go? The same place he wants us to follow him; to the cross. The disciples thought that following Jesus meant that they would accompany him to his sermons, healings, his rebuking demons etc. But in reality he wanted them to follow him to Jerusalem, then to calvary and ultimately to the cross!
There are three types of disciples that we can categorize ourselves in. There were twelve disciples: ten left him, one betrayed him, and one stayed with him at the foot of the cross, which one are you? Are you one of the ten that left and came whenever they were ready or needed him, or are you the one that will betray him because you can not bare the truth and the world desires have gotten to you, or are you the one that stays with him through all the tribulations of this life? Now all of this does not mean that we hate our families and despise the world and all earthly possession, but what it does mean is that Jesus is the center of our lives and not the world.
We must ask ourselves these questions if we truly want to become disciples of Christ, and we must ask for his grace to help us follow him and take up our cross daily.
In Christ
Jeff Kassab