by Jeff Kassab | Jul 27, 2019 | Uncategorized
July 26, 2019 My brothers and sisters in Christ, as summer comes to a close and we prepare ourselves for the first day of classes, we typically prepare mentally. Whether it is the first day of middle school or your first year in high school or your first year in...
by Jeff Kassab | Jul 18, 2019 | Uncategorized
If I asked a question today about what kind of journey this life is taking you on or where are you headed to, what kind of answers do you think I would get? I’m sure the answers would be very interesting depending on what life is throwing at people. So, regardless...
by Jeff Kassab | Jun 10, 2019 | Front Slider, Uncategorized
The Lord is risen! These words are the central belief of the Catholic faith and without them there is no Christianity. It is because of the Resurrection that we can say we are Catholic. No other faith claims that their founder rose from the dead. In Acts 4:33 we read...
by Jeff Kassab | Jun 10, 2019 | Front Slider, Uncategorized
What is the role of the father in today’s family? Most of the people reading this will say “to provide for his wife and children and to ensure their financial future.” That statement is absolutely true. It is one of the roles of the father in the family, but is it the...
by Jeff Kassab | Jun 9, 2019 | Front Slider, Uncategorized
The question we ask ourselves in these times that we live in is; “can we find joy in suffering?” At first this seems like a contradictory question, joy and suffering are opposed to each other, so how is this even imaginable? As always let’s turn to the gospel. In the...
by Jeff Kassab | Jan 10, 2019 | Front Slider, Uncategorized
The question we ask ourselves in these times that we live in is; “can we find joy in suffering?” At first this seems like a contradictory question, joy and suffering are opposed to each other, so how is this even imaginable? As always let’s turn to the gospel. In the...
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